The burn is complete. It was an exciting couple of days with lots of activity. Below is a series of pictures that show the house from prep, to practice burn to raging inferno to a pile of ashes.

The fire dept setup a series of "fire boxes" made of pallets

And straw.

They patched all of the holes in the drywall and reinforced the drywall behind each of the fire boxes.

After day 1, there wasn't a lot of external damage. They mainly trained in the upstairs area.

After day two, the house was looking pretty ragged. They'd finished their training.

They set the final fire right at 10am on Wednesday morning.

Within minutes the entire house was engulfed.

There were a total of 29 cadets that trained on the house. They graduate from fire academy in a couple more weeks.

The proud owner (and his minion)

The garage had quite a bit of trash, scrap lumber, etc in it.

This was about 30-35 minutes into the burn.

This was about an hour into it.

The FD let it smolder and burn down as much as possible.

Then they hosed it down.

And here is all that's left.
This weekend, we get to clear the pile of rubble. Kenley is coming to town and we're renting a large excavator. We're planning to sell the scrap metal (I beams, wiring, etc), haul the misc debris to the dump and bury the concrete / brick on site.